ClimateSimTM a climate-change simulation app from ScienceBySimulation
Quick steps: • Select a scenario, and/or specify and save a trend for each greenhouse gas (GHG) • Click "Simulate" to run a climate simulation
Specify Emissions Trend Select GHG:   
Set Mid-Century Year
Specify Mid-Century Emissions PgC
Specify Final Emissions (in the year 2100) PgC

Select scenario: Run simulation: View Detailed Results
Emissions Trends Year 2011 Mid-Century Year 2100
CO2 (PgC)
0 0 0
CH4 (TgCH4)
0 0 0
N2O (TgN)
0 0 0
        Summary Results
Simulated Final State (year 2100):  T: 0  oC; RF: 0  W/m2; CO2 Conc.: 0  ppm; CH4 Conc.: 0  ppb; N2O Conc.: 0  ppb

Legend: T=global mean annual surface temperature change relative to year 1750 (deg C); T=absolute mean annual surface temperature (deg K); RF=radiative forcing relative to year 1750 (W/m2); Conc.=atmospheric concentration (ppm or ppb); λ=climate sensitivity (deg C/W/m2); ε=atmospheric longwave emissivity or absorptivity at thermal equlibrium (unitless); R=radiant flux density (W/m2); SW=shortwave; LW=longwave; A=albedo.

Detailed Simulation Results:
Global Earth System Response to GHG Perturbation

Latitudinal Mean Temperatures (T, deg K)
Latitudinal Net Incoming/Outgoing Radiant Flux Densities (R, W/m2)
Planetary Albedos (A)
Surface Albedos (A)

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